Setting healthy boundaries in your personal and work life is critical to achieving your goals. Life can be very distracting. Placing and not breaking these boundaries is critical to staying on the straight and narrow road that leads a prosperous and abundant life.
Setting healthy boundaries in our personal relationships will prevent people from running over you, using you, abusing you, and harming you. Removing unhealthy relationships is biblical and the key to living a life of blessing and peace.
The Christian is commanded to be a light of truth and wisdom to a darkened world. Becoming a person of influence in your relationships fulfills one of the purposes that God gives you for living on his earth. How do you get there? Take a listen...
If you are married, arguments are bound to happen, and they can leave you feeling miserable and lonely. Yet, there are ways to prevent many of the arguments that you may experience in your marriage. Here are some practical spiritual and counseling tips to bring more peace into your relationship.
Your words can bring life or death to those you speak with. Learning how to effectively communicate as a Christian will determine how successful you are as a Christian, a spouse, and an employee at your workplace. Here are ten techniques that can help you today!
Childhood sexual abuse is reported with 20% of females and 10% of males. Yet many people never report the abuse and never deal with the pain and affects. The numbers are likely much higher. Part 1 explains the symptoms of the trauma so you can recognize them and find healing.
When recovering and finding healing from childhood sexual trauma, there are many hurdles to overcome. Many experience misplaced shame and guilt, others try to block out the memories, and others wrongly claim they can move on with their lives without truly dealing with the pain.
In this episode, we discuss the ten steps to bringing healing and restoration to a person who has experienced childhood sexual trauma. This process takes time and much energy but is worth it to bring you back to fullness, peace, and prosperity.
So many people are so busy with life that they do not take care of themselves. The Bible clearly teaches that if we don't take care of ourselves, we will not be able to care for others as effectively. Taking care of our soul and spirit is the start of the process.
Learning to take care of your spiritual needs is the foundation of a strong person. From there, we must learn to take care of our mental and emotional needs. We will never be able to effectively care for others if we are suffering because of a lack of self-care.
Too many people neglect their emotional and physical needs. The bible clearly teaches that self-care is so important for your mental and spiritual health. You can't help others if you are not helping yourself! This podcast lists the steps you can take to be all God wants you to be.
Becoming an empty nester is a huge lifestyle change that can be very good or very, very bad. Too many parents tie up their identity in their kids and when they grow and leave the home, difficult struggles emerge. Having a strategy to deal with this inevitable change can help a bunch!
Shame is a powerful force that can lead you toward God and start you on a spiritual path to healing. Misplaced shame is equally powerful and can place you in a spiritual jail that leads the Christian to dark places. Finding healing from shame is possible. Here's how...
In one thirty-minute podcast, we cover the ten most common questions we receive from our hotline phone including issues with anxiety, marriage issues, disappointment with our adult children, and how and when to break away from damaging relationships.
Natural consequences for wrong behavior is something no human being can avoid. We all will make mistakes in our lives but learning from our mistakes through the consequences or Godly discipline that follows will help us grow spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
Rejection happens to everybody. Learning to deal with rejection is the key to living a healthy and successful life. Absorbing rejection can lead to dark places that can stop you in your tracks. Using rejection to better yourself can make you stronger and healthier.
Life is full of difficult events. Finding hope in the pain is a must for a person who wants to be successful, joyful, and at peace. Living in hopelessness is a recipe for a host of mental health issues that can shipwreck your life. Believing that God wants the best for you is a good start!
There are two types of regret. Regret that you got caught and are suffering bad consequences and the type of regret that you or another has made a mistake and you hurt the heart of God or others. Learning to work through your regret and move on with your life is a key to a happy life.
Addictive, poisonous, unhealthy relationships can easily destroy your life and hinder your walk with the Lord. In this show, we go through the seven common signs a relationship is addictive and needs to be fixed or finished.
Breaking free from addictive relationships is critical to walking with the Lord in truth and spirit. On this show, we go through the seven steps you can take to find a new life, a new hope, and a new vision for your life.