Dating after divorce can be a scary but exciting time. Making good choices, refusing to settle for less than you desire, and never being afraid to break it off are important parts of the process.
How you view yourself and how others see you is your identity. Having a negative identity and low self-esteem can lead to a host of mental health issues. Beginning to see yourself the way God sees you can help a bunch!
Finding your identity brings purpose into your life. It's rare to find people suffering from anxiety or depression who have a strong sense of identity and purpose as they follow the Lord in truth and spirit.
Not forgiving others or yourself is one of the top reasons for mental health issues including anxiety and depression. This is part one of a three part series going into detail on the practical ways we can forgive and find peace and blessings.
Forgiving others is the key to living a happy, healthy life. Unforgiveness brings bitterness and darkness into your world that is hard to shake. God doesn't suggest we forgive, He demands it because he first forgave us, that is if we are a Christian.
We interview Newlyweds and hear about their struggles in the first year of marriage. Too many people have a romantic, idealistic view of marriage that is oftentimes shattered when the speed bumps of a relationship come calling. Embracing the fact that marriage is hard work is critical.
Forgiveness brings freedom to the person being forgiven and for the person forgiving. Alot of people can forgive others, but battle forgiving themselves. This will put you in a dark dungeon of despair that will hamper all of your relationships...including your relationship with God.
Our Newlyweds discuss how their Christianity has helped them navigate the speed bumps. With one coming from a stable family background and the other from a more unstable family background, they discuss how their faith will help them steer through the many pitfalls that are sure to come.
Are you easily offended? Did you know easily offended people will struggle in their relationships? The most successful people in the world spiritually and professionally have learned the skills to allow offensive comments to bounce off of them. Listen to this to learn the practical steps necessary
People who get easily offended need to look into their past and ask what has happened to me to make me get so easily offended. Fixing the dark blots from your past can bring great healing and help you love others to the point where you won't be so easily offended in the future.
Role reversals between parents and children are becoming a huge problem in our nation. Parents that cast too much of their emotional burdens on their children are causing long-lasting damage that is hard to dislodge.
Anger is a powerful emotion that can derail your life and create a ton of anxiety and depression. Moving from anger to peace is possible if you take certain steps to address the root of the anger and find healing through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Millions of people have been placed in the role of caregiving for their frail parents. The Bible clearly teaches that we are to take care of the needs of our family, yet the struggle to help can get overwhelming. This is a must listen for anybody experiencing this anxiety.
A soul tie is a deep, intimate relationship that can have a profound negative or positive influence on the course of your life. Fleeing from the negative soul ties is very biblical. God desires those with that kind of influence on your destiny build you up and not tear you down.
Damaging soul ties in our deepest relationships can lead to self-loathing, limited dreams, blame shifting, a victim mentality, unhealthy overachieving, and a lack of personal value. The Bible warns us to guard our hearts from such negative influences no matter who it is.
Taking an inventory of your heart is the key to helping yourself to not allow negative and destructive people into your life. Ridding yourself of those who are detrimental to your peace and joy is critical to your long- term health.