When a relationship goes south, there are specific things you can do to fix things. Using these principles can give you the best chance to salvage a relationship. God made people to be social and his heart is for you to have relationships with people that are healthy and good for you.
Nobody has kids and says, "I don't care if I'm a good parent". We all want to be good parents because we love our kids and want the best for them. In this podcast, we go through ten tips to be a great parent that will give our children the best opportunity to succeed.
Learning to agree to disagree with grace, love, and a gentle heart is paramount if you want to have healthy, vibrant, and long-lasting relationships. For the Christian, the closer that you walk with the Lord in humility, the easier this will happen and the more blessed you will be.
What is the difference between confidence and pride? Confidence is a great attribute that can help you be successful in your life while pride is dangerous and can destroy your life. Understanding the difference is critical if you are going to walk with God and make a difference in this dark world.
God is a God of second chances. Does this mean Christians should always give people second chances. When trust is broken, there are ways to try and save the relationship. Don't think God wants all relationships to be saved through. Forgiveness must always be extended, but fellowship is not.
Conquering the storms of life is very possible when you use wisdom and faith. The big three storms in life are hopelessness, fear, and worry. When all three hit us at once, you must be intentional in your plan to get back up off the saddle and run the race of life.
While it may seem impossible during the early stages of a significant loss in your life, learning to love again is not only possible, it's a sure bet if you learn to grieve properly, and allow God to bring healing and hope back into your life.