Isolating yourself from the world leaves you lonely, depressed, and unable to be the person God created you to be. Coming out of the isolation is one of the most freeing and joyful things that will ever happen to you. Here are the steps necessary to start the journey to freedom.
God told Adam it was not good for him to be alone. Isolation weighs us down and stops us in our tracks. In this show, we give you the techniques to come out of the darkness and into the light.
Owning up to the things you do wrong is an absolutely necessary trait for anybody who wants to live a happy, healthy life. Denial and refusing to confess and repent of sin is a sure fire way to live in darkness and despair and push loved ones far away.
Learning to not run from your actions and own your junk can bring a level of freedom, peace, and joy into your life that you may never have experienced. In short, doing the right thing brings blessings from the Creator, running, hiding, blaming, and denying brings darkness.
Living in a constant fear of being abandoned by the people we love will lead to deep problems in those relationships. God promises He will never leave us or forsake us. As we learn more about God and submit to his Word, we can find healing from this difficult anxiety.
Worrying about being abandoned by loved ones can push people far away from you and cost you valuable relationships. Facing this fear and anxiety is the only way to bring healing to yourself and give you a chance to have great relationships in the future.
The roots of abandonment can go very deep and cause a great deal of trust issues. Finding healing and learning to trust and love again is the goal. Working through this is not easy but the benefits far outweigh the pain of the process.
Want to help somebody with abandonment issues? You don't have to be a trained counselor in many situations. We want to offer you advise to help you steer them away from the negative behavior and into God's light. There are right ways and wrong ways. Take a listen...
The importance of a father's impact on their children and their children's children cannot be underestimated. Children with strong, loving fathers in their lives are much more likely to thrive and be successful. Children without this positive influence suffer greatly.
When a father is not in the house, emotionally absent, or dysfunctional in the role, children can suffer with emotional insecurity which leads to behavior issues, bad academic performance, substance abuse, mental health issues, crime problems, and even homelessness.
In this show on fatherhood, we discuss tips for fathers who want to become great days from a counseling and biblical perspective.
Mothers are the most important person in a young child's life. Children naturally flock to their mothers for emotional support. God has created this instinctive relationship bond between mothers and their children. When a mother is absent, emotional damage is sure to follow.
The lack of a mother in the house or a mother that is not emotionally healthy can cause long-lasting and even lifelong negative impacts on the emotional health of a person. This can include relationship trouble, fear of attachment, personality disorders, substance abuse and a loss of hope.
How to you find healing when you didn't have a mother or had one who was a negative influence in your life? It all starts with examining your life and understanding what negative traits you have that relate to the issue and then finding the right people to help bring the healing.
In this three-part series, we cover the tools necessary to bring healing in a broken relationship damaged by cheating. If you have been cheated on, there are times when you need to walk away and there are times when you want to give them a second chance. How to know the difference? Take a listen.
If you are in a relationship that is not a marriage, there are specific questions that you will need to ask if your partner cheats on you. Answering these questions will determine if you should seek to find healing in the relationship or let it go to find somebody more trustworthy.
Cheating in a marriage covenant relationship is one of the worst things that can happen to anybody. While scripture clearly teachers that divorce can be pursued, that is not always the will of God. Finding healing and learning to trust again is possible when a miracle working God is on your side.
So many people have issues trusting other people that are truth worthy. This stems from issues in their past including being abused, having a loved one hurt or betray you, having dysfunctional parental relationships, or experiencing a traumatic event. You can't have great relationships this way!
When you have issues trusting people who are trustworthy, you must examine your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical reasons for allowing this problem to affect your relationships. Starting with the spiritual is the key to fixing the rest of the mis-thinking and mis-feeling.
We answer eight common questions into our hotline. 1. Communication issues with spouses. 2. Teen depression. 3. Anxiety issues. 4. Parent/Young Adult issues when still living at home. 5. Feeling alone and lost. 6. Break ups. 7. Alcohol issues. 8. When to date again after divorce.